Best of the Best 1989 Funny Quotes
The campiness of Adam West's Batman in the 1960s can't be overstated enough. However, the Batman TV show fit the times well and matched the lighter tone of the comics. Most of the villains we know today started out as glorified pranksters and never came close to really harming the Dark Knight or his boy wonder sidekick, Robin. Sure, the characters had changed since Bob Kane and Bill Finger created them in the late 1930s but they were still aimed at garnering a younger audience.
Tim Burton's first Batman film changed the landscape for comic book movies. Batman introduced a darker side of the character, but still provided some hilarious moments and memorable quotes. In 1989, director Tim Burton released Batman to the world. The movie was a huge hit and well received by critics, fans, and bat lovers everywhere. It's been over 30 years since the film's debut and it still resonates with fans, who constantly quote it with their friends.
10 "Where Does He Get Those Wonderful Toys?"

After the Joker's dinner with Vicki Vale goes awry, Batman makes the save and ziplines he and Vicki across the museum. The Joker looks on in shock before asking, "Where does he get those wonderful toys?" This quote has been used in other movies, such as Mallrats, and is such a great piece of writing. It's almost as if the Joker is more upset about Batman's gadgets than he is about losing Vicki Vale. It's so genius, thanks to Nicholson's acting, and proves that Joker is bothered more with how Batman has all this stuff than he is about beating Batman.
9 "You Wanna Get Nuts?! C'Mon! Let's Get Nuts!"

When Joker and his goons break into Vicki Vale's apartment, they find Vicki isn't alone. Bruce Wayne is visiting and trying to tell Vicki he's Batman. Bruce tells Joker a story about a guy who was a "bad seed who lost his way", before smashing a vase with a fire poker and screaming "You Wanna Get Nuts?! Come On! Let's Get Nuts!"
Joker pulls a gun and asks a certain question before shooting Bruce in the chest and leaving. Bruce's outburst shows that neither Batman nor Bruce will be intimidated and that maybe he was just as crazy as the Joker. Now, that's nuts!
8 "Jack, it's an important job, I need someone I can trust. You...are my number one guy. Now... don't forget your lucky deck."

Boss Grissom is a criminal mastermind in Batman. He is the leader of the mafia and Jack Napier aka Joker's boss. Grissom wants Napier to break into a chemical plant and steal some records. While the idea comes from Napier, he thinks someone else will be tasked with completing it. Grissom tells him "'s an important job. I need someone I trust. You are my number one guy."
Jack reluctantly agrees then Grissom grabs a pack of playing cards and says "Now... don't forget your lucky deck." Little does Napier know that Grissom is planning to rat him out to the cops. The way Boss Grissom says it with his raspy, evil voice makes it more entertaining. Also, the fact that this sets up Joker's fall in the chemical plant is major.
7 "I'm not going to kill you. I want you to do me a favor. I want you to tell all your friends about me."

The moment Batman slowly came floating down, amidst all that smoke and darkness, is a fist pump moment for all comic book fans. Michael Keaton and his bat-suit still hold up today. The two burglars give priceless reactions when they first see Batman. Batman knocks out one of them and then grabs the other. As he holds the thug over the ledge the Dark Knight says, "I'm not going to kill you. I want you to do me a favor. I want you to tell all your friends about me." The crook frighteningly asks, "What are you?" Batman pulls him closer to his face... "I'M BATMAN." A scene that still gives fans goosebumps today.
6 "Have You Ever Danced With The Devil In The Pale Moonlight?"

This is primarily said by Jack Napier or Joker, but even Batman uses it in the final fight scene between the two. It's a question Jack asks before he shoots his victims. By comparing himself to the devil, the Joker is telling them that no one is crazier. No one can top his evil. Eventually, it comes around and bites him in the butt, thanks to Vicki distracting him and Batman asking the same question. Then punching the Joker's lights out.
5 "I Have No Wish To Fill My Few Remaining Years Grieving For The Loss Of Old Friends. Or Their Sons."

Alfred Pennyworth is Bruce's faithful butler. He's a very sarcastic servant, yet he loves and cares for Bruce as his own son. Michael Gough nailed his performance as Alfred in Batman and the sequels. While he's usually cleaning up after Bruce, or telling old stories to Vicki Vale, he's also the voice of reason for Bruce throughout the film.
"I have no wish to fill my few remaining years grieving for the loss of old friends. Or their sons." Alfred is telling Bruce to let his parents go and there's more to life than dressing up as a bat and beating up criminals. He wants Bruce to be truly happy, which is why he lets Vicki Vale into the Batcave.
4 "Winged Freak Terrorizes? Wait Till They Get A Load Of Me! Oooooo...Oooopp...Hahahaha."

Shortly after killing his former boss, Grissom, Joker sits at his desk and reads a blood-covered newspaper to himself. "Winged Freak Terrorizes? Wait till they get a load of me!" The Joker ends with a creepy Oooop noise and a sadistic laugh. He's obviously not impressed by this Batman character and he plans on upstaging the Caped Crusader. As amazing as Heath Ledger was as the Joker in the Dark Knight, Jack Nicholson is on a whole other level. One minute he's laughing and dancing at a museum and the next he's poisoning people's beauty products. The balance of evil and humor makes his performance so special.

Alexander Knox is a reporter for the Gotham newspaper. He's tipped off when there's a new crime and goes to investigate it himself. He's also the first person to believe that Batman is real. When corrupt cop Lieutenant Eckhardt finds two thugs claiming to be attacked by a big Bat, he tells his co-worker that these two were "drinking draino". One of the criminals gets dragged past Knox saying "A Giant Bat!", giving credence to Knox's Bat theory. Knox then asks if there's a "six-foot bat in Gotham City?" and sarcastically adds "is he on the police payroll? And if so, what's he pulling down... after taxes?" Robert Wuhl was hilarious as Knox and added a lighter side to The Dark Knight's dark film.
2 "Batman... Batman... Can somebody tell me what kind of a world we live in, where a man dressed up as a BAT gets all of my press? This town needs an enema!"

Joker is flabbergasted when Batman gets more attention than he does. District Attorney Harvey Dent is shown in a newsflash and they're discussing Batman. This really angers the Clown Prince of Crime. He uses a giant mechanical arm with a boxing glove to destroy the television and comments to Bob the Goon, "Batman... Batman... Can somebody tell me what kind of a world we live in, where a man dressed up as a BAT gets all of my press?" He pauses and looks at Bob, "This town needs an enema!" and follows this hysterical comment by blowing into a party popper. Only Nicholson's Joker could be equally angry and funny at the same time.
1 "And now, folks, it's time for 'Who do you trust!' Hubba, hubba, hubba! Money, money, money! Who do you trust!? Me? I'm giving away free money. And where is the Batman? He's at home, washing his tights!"

The Joker drops millions in cash on Gotham right before he's going to poison the whole city. Joker and his goons come blasting Prince (who did an amazing job on this soundtrack) and riding a giant parade float with large poison-filled balloons above. He gets on the mic and asks, "where is the Batman? He's at home, washing his tights!" This is such a great reference to the 1960s TV show as Adam West's Batman does wear tights! However, this Batman steals Joker's balloons, and the two duke it out.
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